Sunday, September 19, 2004

Entering the GUI world

Having worked in the field of Dynamical systems theory, I have been greatly benefited by many of the fascinating GUI applets available online and some of the wonderful graphical applications that exist to understand the problems intutively and at the same time appreciate the theory behind it.
One of the very interesting application is at the following site,
Lorenz Model Applet

Its a java applet on Lorenz model, the very first system in continuous dynamical systems theory that any new student will learn. The java tutorial gives hands on idea about the behaviour of the model and the student can visually see, what is meant by ¨sensitive dependence on initial conditions¨, the very typical property exhibited by any chaotic dynamical system and the source of the more famous quote, ¨When the butterfly flaps its wings in tahiti, it results in tornado in kansa¨.

Have you ever used all the cool applets on Linux machine, for example say, the gnome-calculator, which comes with any Linux OS. I have always wanted to do something like that. With no backgorund in software programming to the details required in GUI, it has always been a daunting task for me to learn. However not any more. There exists this excellent IDE environment called ANJUTA, created by an Indian, Naba Kumar and in addition with some help from GLADE, an interface builder and some of GTK+ libraries, with some basic C programming background, I was able to built in a days time an application much similar to the gnome-calculator I mentioned above. It was really fun and exciting knowing how easy it has now become for any novice to do some cool stuff.

Finally all the tools I mentione above, in the spirit of GPL, are available freely online.
On the passing note, I would also like to thank 2 excellent tutorial articles by Eddy Anhmed on Glade, and a nice tutorial article by Ishan Chattopadhyaya on using Anjuta, which has helped me to get going with fulfilling my desire.

The link to the articles which I think are useful, is provided below,
Glade Tutotial
Starting off with Anjuta

I will sometime soon also post details on how to go about buiding a simple calculator app, on my page.

1 comment:

Ishan Chattopadhyaya said...

Thanks for your appreciation of my works. I am glad that it helped you. :) IChatt