Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Lets Talk Sex

What...in open, how colud we ? what will mom say, father will kill u!!!

This is what we as indians hear, growing up through our adolescent lifes.
But you know, kids are ingeneous when it comes to sex. They figure out ways and means to figure out, what exactly masturbation is, how to do it, whether is it indeed harmful ,where does a baby child comes from, what the weird yet the most amazing feeling of orgasm, is and the means to acheieve that. There are many a night outs, in bed under the bedsheet, with night lamps, us reading books on what is socially unexpectable and each kid on his own resorting to, most often unsavory means, to look for the answers to the universally true fact of life. Various forms of sexual diversity, homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, monosexuality, are still unknown even to common adult healthy man in indian society. A country of Kamasutra,The art of Love, is engulfed by cultural norms enforced upon people by hulligans calling themselves, the savior of traditional east from the rotten influence of the west.

The point I am trying to make here is, is India today ready for movie like Kinsey. Amazing portrayal of one mans passion with sex and science. He tried in very orthodox american society of early fifties, to do something which I am pretty sure, still is impossible in India. Dr Kinsey, or Proc as he was called, did pioneering studies on
human sexualilty, opened the eye of the world to the most bizarre out there and enabled the western world to associate with the natural.

The movie for me personally was a shock and I believe, most of us will feel extremely embarassed to even think watching this movie in front of our parents. Surprisingly though even when each of us at my age and staying in US for soemtime now, have come to accept, and know and associalte sex with form of natural biological fact of life.

However, for sure every one on his own has to figure out the solution to conflict between, the natural desire to satiate ones biological needs, and confer to societal norms and come up with some metric for love , based on personal bias or more precisely wiring in the brain, tuned up by experiences growing up.

It might be disturbing in some sense, after all we are indians, but I recommend Kinsey to understand what really sciene and passion is all about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to conduct a Kinsey like study in India. You talk of masturbation from a male point of view...ever considered a woman's point? On masturbation, sex, or orgasm? And I am not even a feminist!

How much goes on under the comfortable hypocrisy of our society?