Friday, November 24, 2006

bored of reading

Ok theres only so much that one can read at any given time.. especially true of my wife who hates reading..

Everyone knows the virtue of a good read..
However what if you want someone to indulge in this passion, but who has no interest what so ever..

Thank god there is webspace to cater to these group of people..

Yes as the name suggests one could find books in audio format and the good thing about the site is its free ( well if you want to pay for better quality you have that option too). I tried playing sherlock homes on my PC at home with cable modem installed, at the free price of 8kbs. The site mentions that the quality of this size file is just bearable, and how true are they! However if one is willing to shell out $ 6 per book for excellent audio quality, I will definetly recommend the site, especially given their huge library of audio books.

Check it out. The site for today from Becker in Me!

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